To create your own movie on your computer you must have a recording device connected to your computer.
can use, nowadays, also external devices connected on your USB port.
But if you want to have a good quality you need an USB 2.0 port on your
computer / laptop.
There are also some hardware cards that you can insert in your computer.
doing this, you will also need a hard drive with enough space and a fast
CPU and a good sound card as wel. But even having the right hardware you
will need the right software tool to do the job.
I like to work with Ulead Mediastudio Pro version 7 to do all the editing.
To import a clip is easy
You have a lot of transitions effects, video effect and you can import many different files in your video project.
The following formats are supported:
.SWF (Macromedia Flash files)
.Gif (Animated Gif files)
.AVI (MS Windows)
.MOV, .QT (Apple QuickTime)
.FLX (Autodesk 16 bit animation
.UCG (CG Infinity Files)
.UIS (Ulead Image Sequence Files)
.UPV (Video Paint Files)
.WMV, .ASF (Windows Media Files)
Make short movies
most important thing when you want to create a movie, video clip,
documentary or what ever is that you must keep in mind that you get the
best result when you can show different views from the same location.
best way to do such a thing (when only using one camera) is to take
serval "snap shots" from the scene you want to share with your audience.
you film from just one spot, the audience will be bored and if you move
to much with your camera, your audience won't see the end of your
So don't make a scene to long and record it from
different spots. Don't be afraid to cut your movie in different
chapters. Professionals create a story board and on the end they will
past the different chapters into one storyline on their computer.
With programs like Ulead you do the same.
So good luck!
Video editors
Freeware :
Zweistein Video Editor,
With Zweistein your can do almost the same as with Ulead and
you can also convert your video clip in a good quality
Real Audio Player format.
30 Days trial software:
Ulead Media Studio 7 Pro,
Click here to download the file
Converting to WMV format to show your creation on the net:
Freeware :
Click here to download the file |