Mother's Day
| People in different countries celebrate Mother's Day on different
days of the year because the day has a number of different origins. One
school of thought claims this day emerged from a custom of mother
worship in ancient Greece. Mother worship — which kept a festival to
Cybele, a great mother of gods and the wife of Cronus; was held around
the Vernal Equinox around Asia Minor and eventually in Rome itself from
the Ides of March (March 15 to March 18). The Romans also had another
holiday, Matronalia, that was dedicated to Juno, though mothers were
usually given gifts on this day. | Go to the section "News, history, Mother's day" to read the complete article
| Queen's day, April 30, 2007
| ================== written by Cynthia Fridsma ==================
| Queen's
day always starts on April 30 in the Netherlands and it's a nation wide
celebration. It's a day of joy, games, music, dance etc. On April 30
all Dutch people go 'nuts' and celebrate the birthday of Queen Beatrix,
though it's not really her birthday because it's her mother's, the late
dutch Queen Juliana. | Go to the section "News service, Amsterdam, Queen's day" to read the complete artilce and watch a short movie about Queen's day (in Dutch known as 'Koninginnedag' |
| Earth like planet discovered
| | Gliese 581 c is an extra solar planet orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581. | photo by RTRS, source : hetparool
| It
appears to be in the habitable zone of space surrounding the star,
where the surface temperatures of any planets present might maintain
liquid water and therefore be suitable for life as we know it. The
planet is relatively close, at 20.5 light years (193.9 trillion
kilometers) from Earth in the constellation of Libra. Its star is
identified as Gliese 581 by its number in the Gliese Catalogue of
Nearby Stars.
| Gliese
581 c may be the first discovered extra solar planet similar in
temperature to Earth. It is the smallest extra solar planet around a
main sequence star discovered to date.
| Go to the section "News service, Science, Gliese 581 c" to read the complete article |
| Top 3 topics
| =================== written by Cynthia Fridsma =================== Most
visitors of the Heather Nova Online Magazine are coming from various
search engines and because of that we decided to add the most popular
search queries on our main site. Here you see the top 3 of this month
| The New Year's poetry page has New Year greeting card poems, poems about New Year's resolutions and New Year's Eve parties, a Happy New Year wish poem, ... - 14k - |
20280855 bytes (windows software, cooledit) ...
1368443bytes (flash, guitar lessons) ... More files and videoclips will
follo... | - [ 翻译此页 BETA ]I was curious about her wedding dress and Cynthia told me that it was a ‘Sissy alike dress’ which made me even more curious. ... Go to the section "Personal, Wedding, modem - low" to see a video-clip if you use a modem connection ... - 22k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 - 加入笔记本 |
Message from Heather - March 28th, 2007
hello friends,
greetings from the trade winds in the caribbean where i am at the moment.
just went to buenos aires to shoot a video with ATB for the upcoming single, renegade which i wrote with andre.
something different.
always good to stretch my wings in another direction from time to time. a step outside of my own realm.
i enjoy the challenge and the change. i have written 3 songs with him: renegade, stars come out and made of glass all of which will be on his upcoming album, "trilogy".
it was all done long distance - he sent me some backing tracks over
the internet, we skyped a bit, and i wrote and recorded over the top.
germany - bermuda. it's great to live in these times.
then he persuaded me to fly to buenos aires to make the video. i
don't like long flights, but had never been there and was curious...
doing a lot of painting lately in between working on songs and
looking after a very energetic 3 year old. there are periods in my life
when i feel a strong calling and need to drop everything to follow it.
writing the sorrowjoy was like that. i felt compelled to sit
down and write that collection of poems within a period of 3 months. a
very intense focused time. then of course there are long periods of
unfocused time too!
i am currently looking into ways to distribute my records independently in the USA...... so stay tuned.
perhaps a couple of gigs here and there, but i am putting my energy
into writing and recording some more music at the moment, so no major
tours till later...
meanwhile, thank you for your letters and kind support.
i hope to bring you some more music soon.
heather nova
ps. just read a great book, if anyone out there is looking for something to read. it's called don't lets go to the dogs tonight by alexandra fuller |
Article reprinted on this website courtesy of
| The story about Amalia Earhart (I miss the sky) ....
| Amelia Earhart
| Some
of you know that Heather's song, "I miss the sky" is based on a true
story about Amelia Earhart though some of you misspelled (including me)
her name as Emelia Earhart. You can now read all the background information about Amelia Earhart via the section "Highlights, Amelia Earhart"
| Official forum back in the game!
| The official forum was off line for a couple of days, but now it's on air again which is good news. Go to
| 2nd Heather Nova Profile on MySpace up in smoke :-(
| From: |
Date: |
Mar 14, 2007 3:42 AM
Body: |
Hello world,
Today I discovered that the 2nd heather nova profile is gone which is
just too bad (I think) because it's always nice to know that there are
people out there who like Heather's music.
Anyway, the Heather Nova Online Magazine still exists and will remain
on the net as long as I live (and I hope that this will be a very long
For those of you who think that I had anything to do with the 2nd HN
profile: no, I didn't have to do anything with it but I love to support
every initiative which is why I put the 2nd profile on our Heather Nova
Online Magazine but now there is no point in keeping it here since the profile on MySpace is up in smoke :-(
Just too bad for the Heather Nova fan that things didn't work out and
some people also abused the profile with stupid spam which ain’t very nice.
I would like to say to the fan who was behind the 2nd Heather Nova
profile on MySpace the following words: “You can contact me if you want
to support Heather because I am more than willing to give you your own
homepage on our Heather Nova Online Magazine, free of charge! And a
homepage on our website is more than only a blog page! You can also
have your own column on our main site if you want so don't let your
head down and contact me by email. My email address is”
All the best,
Cynthia Fridsma,
editor & webmaster of the
Heather Nova Online Magazine
|  2nd Heather Nova profile is gone :-(
| Back from the past: World Travel stories
|  Here you can read world traveling stories
If you want to share your traveling story with us, than send an email to me. My email address is
Go to the section "world travel stories" for more information
The Dollmaker
=============================== Preview written by Cynthia Fridsma =============================== March 11, 2007 The
Dollmaker, written by Amanda Stevens, keeps you awake because this
suspense thriller will mesmerize you until the very end because Amanda
has the talent to make the reader a part of her story as a silent
witness and when Claire saw the doll of Ruby in the display window
surely gave me the goose bumps and I almost could see the scene in my
imagination like a movie playing in my head. |
Go to the section "Book reviews, Suspense, The Dollmaker" to read the complete review
The Netscape Portal is no smoking cigar to share your videos
========================== written by Cynthia Fridsma ========================== | Amsterdam, February 7, 2007. Did
you know that Netscape is changed into a portal that is programmed by
the audience? All of the stories on Netscape are submitted and voted on
by users. The more votes and comments a story receives, the higher it
is ranked in the list of Top Stories. And it is possible to upload your own video too.
| It just sound interesting enough to give it a try and I compared the service with |
Go to the section "news service, internet issues, Netscape" to read the complete article . |
Did you know that you can have a talking website? |
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
I've been searching a long time to make our Heather Nova Online
Magazine more accessible for people with dyslexics, people with
learning disabilities, people with English as a second language,
elderly with impaired vision etc.
Than one day I found a great service on the internet, provided by
ReadSpeaker and I decided to contact this company to see if it truly
works with as result a 'talking Online Magazine', if you click on the
'SayIt' picture you see on top of each page.
Go to the section "Creativity, Webdesign - tips and more, Readspeaker" to read the whole article
Letters to the Editor |
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 11:37:19 +0100
From: Gerhard
Subject: feldkirch, 31.7.
hi, it was my second concert after Munich last year. At Munich i stood
very close before the stage and i was wondering whether i should close
eyes so that i can concentrate on and flow with the music or watching this
angel singing. At Munich first track was she alone with Storm, then the
band set in with Heart and shoulder and then Motherland. I thought i
was in heaven at last, finally, i literally had to keep from crying
tears of
joy. At Feldkirch, in my home country, though i had to travel even more, i
live close to Vienna, first track was Maybe an angel, and then the same
two and three and again i was home. Music was as powerful and
spiritualized and uplifting and deep as the year before but she was more
opened, she smiled several times and spoke a little, which she didnt do
at Munich at all. Cant tell that one was better than the other but i
can tell that im looking extremely forward to her next live performance
because thats real power and real love.
And theres something remaining inside your heart that will help you going through the storm.
love, regards, gerhard
Date: |
Sun, 5 Nov 2006 19:51:15 +0100 |
From: |
Cynthia Fridsma |
To: |
Gerhard |
Subject: |
Re: feldkirch, 31.7. |
Hi Gerhard,
Thanks for sharing your review about Heather's concerts in Munich and at
Feldkirch... I will publish your review on the site today because I am sure
that other fans will love your review too, as much as I did!
And I can understand why it's hard to say which one was better, because Heather
is simply the best and when she's on stage she gives 100% of her self to the
audience, I am quite sure of that which is why there's so much love in the air
during a nova concert, like you mentioned before.
Your review reminds me of the good times I saw Heather on stage and I am sure
that she'll be back on stage next year and than we'll have a chance to see her
again on stage.
What's your favorite HN song? The song I like most is Island (because it's a
strong and emotional song of Heather, though almost all her songs are that
Best regards,
editor/webmaster of the
Heather Nova Online Magazine at
----- Original Message -----