Life is short, life is slow - videoclip
impressed me when he played ‘Ruby Red’ for the cd project that I
decided to do something on my own for the project as well.
decided to create a video clip and the camera was running while I did
the recording session of the song 'Life is short, life is slow'. You
can say that the video clip is a live registration and doing it was fun
:-). I hope that you will enjoy the song . . . "
View this video and go to "HN CD Project"
P.S. you need the QuickTime player to see the clip, go to
to download a free version of QuickTime.
Massimo's version of "Ruby Red"
visit me in Amsterdam on July 17, 2004 to do a recording session at my
place. Massimo turned out to be an amazing guitar player.
Listen to his version of Heather's Ruby Red and go to "HN CD Project"
New pictures from Heather's 'birthday gig'
Axel, a devoted Heather Nova fan, send us more pictures from Heather's Birthday on July 6, 2004.
Go to the section "Articles, Birthday gig, more photos" to see his contribution.
Thanks Axel!
Heather's birthday gig at Paradiso
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
Amsterdam, July 6, 2004
had to do lot’s of things on July 6, because it was a special day:
Heather became 37 and I had to check the email before I concentrate on
Heather’s performance later that night. That’s why I woke up at 6:30
a.m. and checked the email for the birthday page that you can find at
Read more about this article under the section "Articles, Birthday gig" (here you can also see a photo gallery provided by Mike Smit.
The after party
organized a small ‘after party’ with a few people from the mailing list
and made a reservation in a local restaurant in Amsterdam North (the
part of Amsterdam where I live) and it was too bad that Massimo and
Ewout (editor and webmaster of and Mike Smit
(photographer) couldn’t be there with us.
Read more about this under the section "Articles, Birthday gig, The after party"
had to wait for a long time before the DVD was released but now we can
see Heather's performance at the Union Chapel in the UK.
band members are : Matt Round - Bass, Luke Bullen - Drums &
Percussion, Glen Scot - Keyboards & Backing Vocals, Heather Nova -
Guitar & Vocals.
You can click here to buy the DVD from Amazon
A new contribution to the CD Project: 'Spinning' by Mark Johnson.
You can check it out at
Online Games
More fun on the Heather Nova Online Magazine with Online Java games for the young and old.
Just go to and have some fun!
P.S. if you like the games, than please pass it onto your friends, it is also a nice way to promote Heather Nova. Thanks!
Nijntje is no longer with us
feel sad right now because my ‘child’ died last night. I am talking
about my bunny, ‘Nijntje’. She had a good life, because she never lived
in a cage and jumped around the house all day. She became five, which
is a respectable age for a rabbit but I am going to miss her anyway. An
animal can give you so much love . . .
Nothing is going to last forever . . . that is the way life is, I know. But it does not take the pain away . . .
bunny named 'Nijntje' died on the same night that I upload the video
'Life is short' for the CD-Project. This song is now dedicated to my
bunny. I'm going to miss her.
Go to "Personal, Pets, Cynthia's bunny" to see a short movie from my bunny and to see a few photos
Tourdates 2004
April 26, 2004
Nova is known as an active lady and perhaps you can call her ‘an air
condition gipsy’ because she spent a lot of time on the road. Heather
is someone who take a break of a half year and than you will find her
at some gigs.
She will start in Germany on June 26, 2004 at the
summer festival in Munich. She will also join the Varus-Open-Air
Konzert in Germany on July 3 and will give a concert in "Paradiso" on
July 5 and 6. On July 7 she will be in Tilburg. On July 9 she will be
at the "Outside festival in Dieseldorf", Switzerland.
You will find more information if you go to the section “Tourdates”
you have more information about Heather on tour this year, than please
share your knowledge with us. You can send your information to
 | picture from BDR (German Telev |