Photo's from Heathe's concert at Lokkeren on August 5, 2006 in Belgium. All photo's are taken by Pierre Rovasio
Goto the Online Gallery to see the pictures Pierre took!
Protect your server!
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
Amsterdam, January 13, 2007
Did you know that third-party mail relaying occurs when a mail server processes a
mail message for which neither the sender nor the recipient is local to the server's
mail domain? While third party relaying has some legitimate purposes, such
as allowing mail messages to be routed around known mail problems, e-mail
hijackers (or "spammers") primarily use it to obscure their identity while sending
large amounts of junk mail.
What does this mean
It means that it is possible to send unsolicited mail via your webserver to other people around the world, using the IP-address (= Internet Protocol )of your server which will put your server on the blacklist of anti-spam software.
Go to the section "Creativity, Webdesign tips and More" to read the whole article.
New site added: Indonesia, Flores Holiday Paradise

Indonesia's Nusa Tenggara region, the third island east of Bali, surrounded by a beautiful coral sea. Enchanting, a must see!
To encounter a unique and welcoming traditional culture living against a stunning backdrop of live volcanoes. The Florinese still build towering thatched houses, still dress in intricately hand-dyed cloth, still hunt wild boar with homemade harpoons, still practice a startling blend of Catholicism and spirit-worship (churches are often decorated with strings of buffalo skulls). And they're happy to share it all with visitors.
By using Agusto Rumat and his dedicated organisation to show you the beauty of this island.
This site can be found at:
Did you know that you can have a talking website?
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
I've been searching a long time to make our Heather Nova Online Magazine more accessible for people with dyslexics, people with learning disabilities, people with English as a second language, elderly with impaired vision etc.
Than one day I found a great service on the internet, provided by ReadSpeaker and I decided to contact this company to see if it truly works with as result a 'talking Online Magazine', if you click on the 'SayIt' picture you see on top of each page.
Go to the section "Creativity, Webdesign - tips and more, Readspeaker" to read the whole article