An Intimate Evening with Heather Nova
Written by Heinz from HeatherNova.DE
kaum ist die aktuelle Tour beendet, werden schon die ersten Termin für das Jahr 2006 gehandelt. Heather wird 2006 wahrscheinlich mit einem kleineren, mehr intimeren Set Up unterwegs sein: "An Intimate Evening With Heather Nova" _ so lautet wohl das Motto. Die ersten Termine sind bereits veröffentlicht, aber noch nicht bestätigt. Die Gerüchteküche ist also im vollen Gang. Alles mit der heißen Nadel gestrickt. Die aktuellen Tourtermine basieren auf Ermittlungen im Internet. Mag sein, dass der ein oder andere nicht bestätigt wird, aber die Richtung ist vorgegeben. Schweiz und Beneluxländer stehen bisher auf dem Plan.
Um immer auf dem Laufenden zu sein, lohnt sich ein Besuch auf der Schöne Grüße
P.S. Bitte um Rückmeldung, wenn Korrekturen oder weitere Konzerte bekannt gegeben worden sind, die bei uns noch nicht aufgeführt worden sind. Und noch was. alle Termine ohne Gewähr
============= Translation of this German text =====================
the current route is terminated, the first date for the year 2006 is already acted hardly. Heather will be probable 2006 with a smaller, more more intimate set UP on the way: “An Intimate Evening With Heather Nova” _ in such a way the slogan probably reads. The first dates are already published, but does not confirm yet. The rumor kitchen is thus in the full course. Everything with the hot needle knitted. The current route dates are based on determinations in the Internet. It may be that or other one is not confirmed, but the direction is given. Switzerland and Beneluxländer stand so far on the plan.
In order to be always up to date, an attendance on is worthwhile itself
Kind regards
===== German text translated with Systransoft at =======
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
At first I didn't want to do a song for the 2nd CD Project because I think that it is up to you out there :-)
However, because there is less tolerance around the world these days I decided to publish the video clip 'I don't like this town', which is in fact my protest song against all the violence and less tolerance around the world, the madness of 9/11 (World Trade Center), the attack in Madrid, London, Amsterdam (the killing of Theo van Gogh) and the attack on the rest of the world by terrorism. I decided to publish the song because I believe in freedom and justice and don't like radicalism that is in fact, from my point of view, fascism and it should be banned out of the world!
The song is a bit raw in a sense that it could have been a Jimi Hendrix song (Jimi also played the blues now and then) . . .
Jimi Hendrix wrote the song 'machine gun' against the war in Vietnam, I wrote 'I don't like this town' against terrorism.
Go to the section " High qulity" to see the video clip if you have a high speed broadband connection
Go to the section " Medium qulity" to see the video clip if you have a normal broadband connection
Go to the section " Low qulity" to see the video clip if you have a slow connection
New layout for our HeahterNova.INFO site
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
I've decided to give our .info a new facelift and it has now a Redbird look and feel. I hope that you like it and that you will enjoy your stay there :-)
There is also an art gallery on the .info site with beautiful pictures from Heather, created by Hugues, the French HN fan.
I am also looking for volunteers who would like to help me with the .info site. I am searching for people who would like to become an editor of the .info site. Send me an email if you're interested in the "job.” My email address is
I am looking forward to cooperating with you :-)
Best regards,
The faerie lives
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
I created a short tutorial about how to create a simple computer animation. Go to the section “Creativity, Creating an animation” to find out how to do it.
HN artwork created by Hugues
Posted November 14, 2005 8:04 pm by admin
Today we've published some beautiful artwork that we received from Hugues, a French Heather Nova fan who can create beautiful pictures with Photoshop.
Go to the section "Postcards, Fun, Artwork" to see the artwork from Hugues and send it to your friends. It's a great way to promote Heather! Thanks again Hugues and we are looking forward to seeing more from your work in the future ;-)
Best regards,
Cynthia Fridsma.
creative manager & webmaster of the Heather Nova Online Magazine
Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a Starting Point Hot Site.
Online Gallery with a new layout
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
Amsterdam, November 14, 2005
Today I have finished the new look and feel of the online Gallery. I decided to use Dreamweaver MX to create a template for Gallery 2 so that have the same look and feel as the rest of our HN sites. I decided to add a direct URL to the forum from too and yes, there is even a direct link to at the Online Gallery.
I hope that you like the new look and feel of the online Gallery and that more people will use the service to upload their pictures and share their photos with the rest of the world.
At least one person from Russia I believe, decided to use the free service so when will you use this free facility I installed? Uploading your pictures is easy enough and now you can directly reach the most important HN resources on the net.
Feel free to visit
Heather Nova Online Gallery
New Heather Nova Postcards
Posted November 9, 2005 6:41 pm by Cynthia
I scanned most my Heather Nova cd's (all I have to do right now is Storm) which means that you can send the scanned pictures as a postcard to your friends.
Go to the section "Postcards, Heather Nova" and choose a sub category from there.
You can choose for the following albums: Redbird, South, These Walls, Truth & Bone, Walk this world, Virus of the mind, I'm the girl, I'm no angel, Wonderlust, Milky way, Siren, Oyster, Maybe an Angel & Blow.
Storm will come as soon as possible.
You can also see all the scanned pictures at once if you go to the section "Postcards, HN Albums"
P.s. you can see the scanned images full size at the "Online Gallery"
2nd CD Project is open!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 12:53 pm
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
Today I send an email to everyone who wanted to join the cd-project and I wrote the following welcome message:
Welcome to join the new cd project . . . the first project is closed because I have met Heather on July 8, 2005 and gave her the cd from the first project. However, the 2nd project is open.Feel free to drop a line if you have a question . . .
Best regards,
Read more about it at "the cd project site"
You can also visit the new forum under the section "CD Project"
New look & feel
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
Sometimes you have to change and I decided to change the colors of the web site, I hope you like it. I also decided to install an old forum I use to have in the year 2001, which was the original foundation of our HN Online Magazine.
I decided to redesign the forum, which runs on a CGI script and is secure enough against hackers.
A year ago I installed a PHPBB forum but when I found out that Novaforums was hacked, I decided to withdraw the forum. Also, they hacked the PHPBB forum on the official site a few months ago and yes, there has always been a forum on our site.
But not with a professional look and feel that I created within 48 hours.
Sure, I can reinstall PHPBB but is it secure enough? Why did I decide to use an old CGI forum that was original created in the year 2000? What is the use of a forum when there is one available at the .com site?
You can directly upload your own pictures in your message
What are the features of the forum? You can become a member for the forum and enjoy the benefit that comes with a free membership: No one can abuse your username You do not have to type your username repeatedly You can use the E-mail Notification options that our forum offers. You can always change your password. It is also possible to upload your own pictures directly in your message . . .
The forum integrates perfecly with our web site
I think that this are more than enough reasons for you to use the forum. I gave it a professional look and feel so that it integrates perfectly with our web site.
You can discuss about the following subjects:
CD Project, HN Online Magazine, Albums, Articles, Creativity, Multimedia, Personal, News, Mailing list, Movies & World travel stories.
Go to to visit the forum and start a discussion :-)
Best regards,
Cynthia Fridsma,
Creative manager & webmaster
P.s. I also made a few minor adjustments with the CGI-scripts too. If you are into something new than visit the forum and start a discussion. Make my day and paint a smile on my face :-)
Did you know?
Written by Perry Black
hello everyone!
well... it appears that is currently undergoing design changes. Anybody but me been over there to have a look?
You can discuss this article at the .Info site
Heather Nova newsgroup on Google
Written by Cynthia Fridsma on November 3, 2005
On October 31 I received a message from Peter Barns about a Heather Nova newsgroup that he started. I decided to see what it is, since I receive lots' of spam nowadays, offers to enlarge your . . . a well you know what I mean, don't you?
Anyway, I decided to check it out to see what this newsgroup is all about and than I decided to publish it on our site because we welcome every initiative from Heather's fans.
You can check it out at Google Groups and have fun!
You can discuss this article at the .Info site..
New pictures from the faerie
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
You all know that I use 3D software from time to time to create short computer animations. Now I decided to create a 'photo session' with the Faerie you saw in the Xmas special from last year, in the Redbird promotion movie and in the Sneak preview.
The Faerie becomes all known around the world :-) and that's why I decided to put the pictures on the site so that you guys can print it out and hang above your bed hahaha (LOL) . . . just kidding.
You can see the pictures under the section "Creativity, 3D Art, Faerie".
PS you can also send them as a postcard with a simple mouse click to your friends ;-)
Have fun!
Letters send to the editor
Quoting "Peter Barns"
There is a new Usenet newsgroup for fans of Heather Nova. It is This newsgroup has been included in
Google Groups so it can be accessed with a web browser as well as a news reader.
yours sincerely
Peter Barns
I wrote back (November 3, 2005):
Amsterdam, November 3, 2005
Hi Peter,
I am sorry that I didn't respond straightaway, but I wanted to check your newsgroup first before publishing your message on the Heather Nova site. I am glad to know that you start a newsgroup for fans of Heather Nova and I hope
that lots’ of people will join you ;-)
I will publish this message today on the site and will post it on our mailing list too.
Best regards,
Cynthia Fridsma,
Creative manager & webmaster
We manage the site in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, though it is an US domain. However, we created the site in the first place to support the fans in the US because Heather is still unable to do a tour in the states. She needs the support of her fans and more publicity in the states to do a tour in the states. Doing a tour in the states is quite expensive and she cannot do it without the support of her fans and the press.
This is also one of the main reasons why we made our site so big (almost 2 Gigabyte of information) with many subjects that you can find, including world news. However, Heather is of course ‘our’ figurehead and the center of our site.
Do you want to post a message to the editor? Send your email to
Do you want to read letters from the past? Than go to the section "Mail, Letters and comments"
Wonderlust Winter Blue Walk This World Island Heart And Shoulder Paper Cup London Rain Not Only Human Doubled Up Truth And Bone I'm The Girl Heal Make You Mine Sugar I'm On Fire