December 17, 2006
on the Heather Nova Online Magazine, the place on the Internet where
you can find all the information you want with a simple click of your
On the Heather Nova Online Magazine you can find the following topics:
About the Heather Nova Online Magazine
a nonprofit organization and try to popularize Heather Nova in the
States so that she will be able to do a concert in the States too. We
hope to achieve our 'mission' by offering you the best you can get on
the net and by providing you with lots of information about our idol
& our figure head : Heather Nova, the shining star from Bermuda.
New site added: Indonesia, Flores Holiday Paradise
| Flores
Holiday Paradise is a sponsored site. It gives an impression of one of
the most beautiful islands of Indonesia; some photos, a bit about its
history and geography and an idication of tours you can make with
Agusto Rumat the friendliest guide in the country.

WHERE Indonesia's Nusa Tenggara region, the third island east of Bali, surrounded by a beautiful coral sea. Enchanting, a must see! WHY GO To
encounter a unique and welcoming traditional culture living against a
stunning backdrop of live volcanoes. The Florinese still build towering
thatched houses, still dress in intricately hand-dyed cloth, still hunt
wild boar with homemade harpoons, still practice a startling blend of
Catholicism and spirit-worship (churches are often decorated with
strings of buffalo skulls). And they're happy to share it all with
By using Agusto Rumat and his dedicated organisation to show you the beauty of this island.
This site can be found at:
Guitar lesson: Heather Nova's song "Like lovers do", explained |
================== written by Cynthia Fridsma ==================
December 6, 2006
almost Christmas time, a time of joy and happiness to be spent together
in harmony of your family and your beloved ones. And because of this I
decided to explain one of Heather’s songs: Like lovers do, how to play
it on the guitar. Because it is a song about people in love and yes, it
could have been a Christmas song, or poem, if you listen carefully to
Heather’s lyrics.
The song ‘Like lovers do’ can be found on the South album.
created a video clip in QuickTime format (medium quality) and in Flash
format (low quality) and explained the chords too, while you can see
various Heather Nova video clips on the background too.
your guitar and start to play along with me, but be warned: I also try
to sing the words, so that you can memorize the lyrics and the rhythm
of the song too. And since I sing like a cat on a roof . . .
Like lovers do explained in a video clip
Oh well, have some fun and enjoy the lesson.
To see the quick time video clip: Go to the section “Creativity, Guitar lessons, Like lovers do - medium quality”
To see the flash video clip: Go to the section “Creativity, Guitar lessons, Like lovers do - medium flash”
Go to the section “Creativity, Guitar lessons, Like lovers do” if you want to see the lyrics and chords.
Attention : the guitar lesson is for personal use only!
Did you know that you can have a talking website?
==================== Written by Cynthia Fridsma ==================== I've
been searching a long time to make our Heather Nova Online Magazine
more accessible for people with dyslexics, people with learning
disabilities, people with English as a second language, elderly with
impaired vision etc.
Than one day I found a great service on the
internet, provided by ReadSpeaker and I decided to contact this company
to see if it truly works with as result a 'talking Online Magazine', if
you click on the 'SayIt' picture you see on top of each page.
Go to the section "Creativity, Webdesign - tips and more, Readspeaker" to read the whole article
New scam warning!
Brides Expert Says Online Dating Scams Affect 99 Percent Of Male Users
Of Internet Personals, Millions Of Dollars Are Lost To Fake 'Russian
Russian Brides expert Elena Petrova
says dating scams conducted through large personals sites are rampant,
affecting virtually every male user of online dating sites. The losses
are counted in millions.

Elena Petrova - the creator of Russian Brides Cyber Guide |
every male user of online dating sites has been affected by dating
scams, says Russian brides expert Elena Petrova from www.WomenRussia.com.
Internet criminals use sophisticated scripts and custom-built software
to contact thousands of male users of Internet personals, creating fake
'Russian women' identities and requesting money for airplane tickets,
following the old wives tale of 'mail order brides'.
Go to the section "News, Internet Issues, Scam warning!" to read the complete article
Letters to the editor
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 11:37:19 +0100 From: Gerhard Subject: feldkirch, 31.7.
it was my second concert after Munich last year. At Munich i stood very
close before the stage and i was wondering whether i should close my eyes so that i can concentrate on and flow with the music or watching this angel singing. At Munich first track was she alone with Storm, then the band
set in with Heart and shoulder and then Motherland. I thought i was in
heaven at last, finally, i literally had to keep from crying tears of joy. At Feldkirch, in my home country, though i had to travel even more, i live close to Vienna, first track was Maybe an angel, and then the same two
and three and again i was home. Music was as powerful and spiritualized
and uplifting and deep as the year before but she was more opened,
she smiled several times and spoke a little, which she didnt do at
Munich at all. Cant tell that one was better than the other but i can
tell that im looking extremely forward to her next live performance
because thats real power and real love. And theres something remaining inside your heart that will help you going through the storm. love, regards, gerhard
Date: |
Sun, 5 Nov 2006 19:51:15 +0100 |
From: |
Cynthia Fridsma |
To: |
Gerhard |
Subject: |
Re: feldkirch, 31.7. |
Hi Gerhard,
Thanks for sharing your review about Heather's concerts in Munich and at Feldkirch... I will publish your review on the site today because I am sure that other fans will love your review too, as much as I did!
And I can understand why it's hard to say which one was better, because Heather is simply the best and when she's on stage she gives 100% of her self to the audience, I am quite sure of that which is why there's so much love in the air during a nova concert, like you mentioned before.
Your review reminds me of the good times I saw Heather on stage and I am sure that she'll be back on stage next year and than we'll have a chance to see her again on stage.
What's your favorite HN song? The song I like most is Island (because it's a strong and emotional song of Heather, though almost all her songs are that way).
Best regards,
Cynthia, editor/webmaster of the Heather Nova Online Magazine at http://www.heathernova.us
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