Written by Cynthia Fridsma
Amsterdam, December 26, 2004
haven’t heard from me since the middle of November and this had to do
with a ‘Christmas special’ that I’ve been working on since the
beginning of November because I wanted to do something special for all
of you. There’s so much going on around the world nowadays. Things that
aren’t my cup of tea like violence and intolerancy. That’s why I
thought to myself: the people need something nice and sweet instead.
when I decided to create a computer animation based on Heather’s ‘I
wanna be your light’ song that you can find on her Storm album.
Heather’s song ‘I wanna be your light’ is great and I decided to do
some ‘magic’ with the song and created a short video clip ( approx. 6
minutes) with some real footage, photos and computer animations /
I wasn’t pleased at the begin but the results are
quite pleasing now and I like to present to you ‘I wanna be your
light’, which includes some real footage from Heather.
Take care and I wish you all the best for 2005!
to the section “Multimedia, a tribute to Heather, Xmas special - high
quality” to see the clip in QuickTime media player (high quality for
broadband users only) or go to the section "Multimedia, a tribute to
Heather, Xmas special - medium" to see the clip in medium quality for
everybody else with MS Windows Media player.
written by Cynthia Fridsma
the previous issue I recommended that you should avoid the use of
frames because search engines aren’t compatible with them and you might
loose some visitors. I also explained that you should start on paper
before working anything out on your computer.
Now we’ll step forward to the next step:
Create a layout for your site.
you start, you should think about using tables because your can control
your layout better with the use of tables. It’s no problem if you have
never used tables before, because I will explain them down beneath with
the HTML codes.
First you need to open a text editor (like
notepad) and start to define your table. Write down (or copy &
past) the following code:
Go to the section "Creativity, Webdesign tips, Tables"
Gerard & Cynthia married
Interview with Cynthia Fridsma by your local reporter for the HN Online Magazine.
you wonder who Cynthia Fridsma is? Well... the answer is simple: she’s
the webmaster of the Online Magazine, the girl behind the HeahterNova
CD Project and she also created the ‘HN-toolbar’ that you can find at
Cynthia, born on February 25, 1968
is now married with Gerard Reniers, born on July 30, 1954 and I was
invited at Cynthia’s place in Amsterdam North to talk about her
wedding. I was curious about her wedding dress and Cynthia told me that
it was a ‘Sissy alike dress’ which made me even more curious. I was
invited for the wedding but I had other obligations so I didn’t see her
wedding dress.
Go to the section "Personal, Wedding" to read the full article.
Go to the section "Personal, Wedding, broadband - high" to see a video-clip for a high speed broadband connection.
Go to the section "Personal, Wedding, broadband - medium" to see a video-clip for a medium broadband connection.
Go to the section "Personal, Wedding, modem - low" to see a video-clip if you use a modem connection
New HN wallpaper : the Darking
Doubleclick on the image and click with your right mouse on the picture and choose "set as wallpaper"
With the compliments of Gabite
Maybe an angel - by Given
A new contribution for the cd project thanks to Gilbert Muller from the band "Given"
just uploaded the song I did with my Band for the CD. What we wanted
todo with the song is to reproduce it in our own style while keeping
some of the original style and feel. Given consists of 3 members,
Stephan, Andy, and GilbertFor this song howeverStephan did the vocals,I
did all Guitars,Bass and ShakerMarco Played the Drums Drums have been
recorded In our Rehearsal room,Recording and Mixing of all the rest
took place in my Apartment. All in all, we had a LOT of fun, your CD
Project is a very nice thing to do, And we're very happy tobe a part of
this.Thank you Cynthia. Have a nice weekend. Gilbert
PS. If you are putting the song on your website, let me know if you like a picture of our silly faces
Go to the section "CD Project, Music, Maybe an angel" to hear their contribution for the project!
A new forum
Written by: Cynthia Fridsma
It sure took a long time, but now you can find a forum on the .COM site
a good thing that there's a forum out there on the offical site.
Well... it sure means that we can stop with our forum, almost nobody
came anyway, and give some extra support to the .COM site instead.
There's only one but: I don't like the combination of the colors red and white, they don't mix if you ask me.
Judge for yourself at http://www.heathernova.com/forum/phpBB2/
A new toolbar
We created a new ‘toolbar’ for the site that can be found on http://www.heathernova.info
Via this toolbar you can:
visit our new forum
visit a promotion page we created for Heather’s DVD and see an image gallery + video clip
visit the Online Magazine without leaving the site
visit the Heather Nova CD Project |