ISSUE #40 |
Issue #40, February 29, 2004.
*Subject: On hearing Heather on the radio * Subject: CD Project * Subject : about the CD Project
Date: 2/25/2004 23:27:26 -0500 From: "Colin" Subject: On hearing Heather on the radio
his is something that happens so rarely that it's an event to remember and talk about. At least here in Canada. OK, Walk This World got a lot of airplay - that was how I first got turned on to her music, but I can list the times I've heard Heather on the radio since 1995. There were exactly two of them. In April 1998, I heard London Rain on the radio station in Schreiber, Ontario. It was 9:00 pm and it was snowing. I was in the Voyageur Restaurant eating liver and onions. That was when I used to eat meat. In June 2003, I heard I'm No Angel on the radio in Vancouver. I was in a coffee shop called The Bread Basket having cafe latte and a toasted bagel with blueberry jam, it was 6:30 am and it had just stopped raining. That's how much it makes your day, when you recall the scene in detail like that.
Until this week, that is. I'm now living (temporarily) in a small mining town called Red Lake. The local radio station (CKDR, Dryden Ontario) is, by the standards of small-town Canadian radio, a very good station. They play a pretty eclectic mixture of music, no country & western, and not much schlock (you all know what I mean by schlock, even if it's hard to define). And they've played London Rain twice in the last week (and that's only what I've heard). You know, being a Heather Nova fan sometimes makes you feel isolated, because you've no-one to share it with (actually, I've found another fan in Winnipeg, only 600 kilometres away, practically a next-door neighbour in this part of the world). That's why I griped about the lack of postings on the mailing list - it's one of the ways I get to feel a part of a community, and I look forward to it with ludicrous anticipation. Anyway, hearing London Rain on the radio when you're in the supermarket poking around the packages of frozen spinach, well it doesn't just make you feel good, and smiling inside, it makes you feel somehow more - connected - to the world around you.
This is a country where you can scarcely walk into a public place without hearing Sarah McLachlan's voice coming from a speaker somewhere. She is good, actually very good indeed, and she's as close to Heather in vocal ability and musical style as any singer I know of (and in her latest album the lyrics have taken on some of Heather's very personal qualities, but her melodic lines have got weaker, sad to say). Funny, thinking back, I'm sure that it was being a Sarah McLachlan fan that made me susceptible to Heather's music when I first heard it. But still, she's Sarah and Heather is Heather (profound statements are a speciality of mine!).
I've emailed our radio station to point out that Heather has recorded other songs than London Rain, and wouldn't it be nice if they played some now and again (like 30 times a day!).
Why doesn't somebody in Europe mail in and tell me how many times a day Heather can be heard on the radio? Not because I want to feel jealous, but I'm actually interested to hear it.
Keep the mail coming! Say things! I need the little flutter when I see the mailing list in the inbox!
Regards to all Colin --- Next message------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2/26/2004 15:49:14 +0100 From: "MULLER" Subject: CD Project
Could you just give me more Information on this project, and your Email address maybe,
Gilbert --- Next message------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date : 2/29/2004 15:50:20 From : "Cynthia" Subject : About the CD Project
No problem at all, Gilbert and other fans of course!
My personal email address is: cynthia@quantum-time.com and I wrote an issue about the CD Project on the Online Magazine:
"The Heather Nova CD Project"
It has been a while, but now I have some good news according the CD Project: “I have found a few musicians to cooperate with the project to make it a success. I have found a singer, she has got a lovely voice, who is willing to sing a few songs. Including a song from Heather’s latest album ‘Storm’.
What is the project all about?
Perhaps you wonder what is the project all about. Well, the Heather Nova CD Project is a nonprofit project done by Heather’s fans just to handle it over to Heather as a gift to show her how much we appreciate the music she makes. We will, of course, give the members from the mailing list the opportunity to receive their free copy from the CD as well (people who cooperate with the project will have a copy on their own of course). you will find a shareware version of CoolEdit
The CD production is done in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We are familiar with distance problems for fans who aren’t living in the Netherlands to come by and do your thing in our studio, which is why you will find a shareware version of CoolEdit on the HN Online Magazine that you can use for twenty-one days that enables you to do multi track recordings and create MP3 files that you can send over to us for the project.
You can download the shareware version of CoolEdit (Windows version only) directly from our site at: http://www.heathernova.us/downloads/cepsetup.exe [19.805 KB]
If you want to know more about CoolEdit, you can go to http://www.heathernova.us/01c211939710b2486/01c21193971139fbb/index.html
I would also like to respond on what Collin wrote : > You know, being a Heather Nova fan sometimes makes you feel isolated, because you've > no-one to share it with (actually, I've found another fan in Winnipeg, only 600 kilometres > away, practically a next-door neighbour in this part of the world).
I know what you mean. I have the same feeling sometimes for myself. There aren't many Heather Nova fans in my neighborhood either. Sure, the distance between the fans in the Netherlands is shorter than the 600 kilometers, but nevertheless . . .
You also wrote: > Why doesn't somebody in Europe mail in and tell me how many times a > day Heather can be heard on the radio? Not because I want > to feel jealous, but I'm actually interested to hear it.
The last time I heard Heather on the radio was in December 2003 on radio 2 where they played a few tracks from the storm album and there were a few articles in Dutch newspapers because of her Storm tour.
You can read about it on our site via the URL: http://www.heathernova.us/01c21193970eab75a/01c211942306c9704/index.html
You also wrote: > I've emailed our radio station to point out that Heather has recorded other > songs than London Rain, and wouldn't it be nice if they played some now > and again (like 30 times a day!).
That is a good thing you did! I hope that others will follow. I have done such a thing in the past but I have stopped doing that because some people claimed that I was sending spam!
There were also some people sending out spam to 'our mail list' claiming to enlarge your ... well you know what I mean. That was before I decided to use a spam filter for the list. I always check if there is some spam in the mail and double check to be absolute positive that it is spam by reading it first before deleting.