ISSUE #27, NOVEMBER 2, 2003 |
Issue #29, November 20, 2003.
* Subject: hn.us message deliveries / message from Heather * Subject: Re: hn.us message deliveries / message from Heather
Date: 11/19/2003 01:47:17 +0100 From: Perry Subject: hn.us message deliveries / message from Heather hello everyone!
well, well, after the server power supply "burn out", i see that Cynthia has replaced the CPU, too ....... with a hand crank! and did you see that on monday HN.com put up a message from her "Heatherness"?
here's wishing you goosebumps.... perry --- Next message--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 11/20/2003 09:59 From: "Cynthia " Subject: Re: hn.us message deliveries / message from Heather
Hi Perry and all!
Yes . . . there have been some serious problems with the server, with the primary server to be precise, the one in the UK! This happened one day after the "power supply blues," which meant that I had to point the DNS server to the server in Amsterdam (using its IP-address), because we have based the DNS server in the States and runs fine since the year 2000.
The email service, on the other hand, runs via the UK Server, but we automatically control all the email traffic via the DNS server in the States. So I had to point mailing@heathernova.us to my private email address because I didn't want to loose emailfrom the fans because I feel responsible when something is wrong.
Don't get me wrong: I love to run this mailing list and connect you all with the messages you sent over to the list and the problem only took one day. In the evening I received a message back from the people in the UK saying that everything is fine by now and offering theirs apologizes.
You understand that I had to configure the DNS server to its original settings, that being pointed the IP address to the server in the UK. I also had to point the email address of the list back to the original email address.
Everything is fine by now, but yes: there have been some delays and I apologize for this to all of you and I give the people in the UK (http://www.amenworld.com) a second change concerning the Online Magazine and the mailing list, because I think that everybody deserves a second change.
Speaking about the UK: The domain, heahternova.co.uk, as you probably know, is running as a mirror site for heathernova.us, but I would like to offer you the possibility to run the UK site for yourself.
So if someone would like to have the http://www.heahternova.co.uk site and is willing to do something extra for Heather's fans in the UK (it is after all a UK domain) than you are the one that I am looking for to run the site. I will give you your own private (and secure) access to the server. You will have 100 MB for the site and of course all the credits.
You don't have to pay for the site either and you are free to use all the resources from the online magazine (including the HN video clips). It is no problem if you don't live in the UK but: fans from the UK who would like to run the site are of course in advantage.
This is what Heather wrote on the official site at heathernova.com:
>Posted November 17th, 2003 > >Hello friends, > >The last few months of touring have been some of my most memorable. There were some >beautiful venues - Carre in Amsterdam comes to mind - and so many wonderful audiences. > I loved playing the more stripped down show and I am sure you will agree that my > musicians, Glen, Luke and Matt were superb. > >As for the rumour that one sings better when pregnant, well I never felt such ease. > However, I am not planning to employ that remedy on every tour! I very much > appreciated all the warm wishes from all of you for my baby. I am sure he felt it >somehow. > >As I am sure you can understand, It's now time to take a break. Time to tune in to the > task at hand; the changing and the challenge of becoming a mother. I will keep you > posted on that front. > >To my North American fans - I hope to see the release of "Storm" over there in late > summer of next year, and hopefully some gigs to accompany it. I look forward to seeing >you then. >Thanks for your patience! > >A note on the website: my management and I decided to merge with heathernova.org as > our official site, as Ewout and Massimo have been running it so well for almost ten years > now. I think this will be a good team effort and we hope to have some interesting and > excusive things for you coming up on the site soon. > >All the best >Heather