JUNE 2003 |
June 18, 2003
June 18, 2003.
We add a view Heather Nova sites to the links page and decided to start with German sites because Heather started her tour in Germany this year.
We decided to choose for a new more "normal" forum that you seems to prefer, which can be visit from now on.
We also setup a "user" page for our members and also like to welcome our first member. We hope that more people will follow.
He is also the first who get a free 4 MB Homepage without banners, pop-ups etc. with free FTP access to our server. You can reach the member pages via http://user.heathernova.us
We also manage to host the server under the domain name: http://www.heathernova.co.uk, which used to belong to V2 Record company.
We also informed Heather about this by e-mail.
June 19, 2003
June 19, 2003.
The internet contains valuable information and we use this information as well to do our research about Heather. We found two "new" articles on the net and also the soundtrack of Heather's performance at the Crossing Border Festival in 2002.
If you want to hear Heather's performance at the Crossing Border Festival than you have to go to the section "multimedia", turn on your speakers and enjoy the show. If you close your eyes than you will have the feeling that you're in the "Nieuwe de la Mar" theater in Amsterdam. We also contact target concerts in Germany about Heather's tour because they 're doing the German Shows for heather Nova since years. We will keep in contact with Thomas Bohnet from Target Concerts to keep you up to date. Feel free to visit their site at http://www.target-concerts.de/
Last but not least: For musicians we found some information about the BR-864 8 Digital track recording device. You can read all about this fantastic device under the section Musicians.
June 20, 2003
June 20, 2003
We received two links via our form that everybody can fill in, we also looked at the sites and they are wonderful. I am talking about http://www.novaforums.com and about http://www.heathernovalive.com Let we hope that more will follow and that also more people will become a member of our community. Keep up the good work folks!
We also received a “thank you” note from Thomas by email because we mentioned his site. Well, you're welcome Thomas and keep in touch!
June 21, 2003
June 21, 2003. Again a small update:
We found a small videoclip "Sugar" on the internet via http://www.clipland.com and decided to put it on our Nova Site.
Just choose for the section "Multimedia" to see the small videoclip.
June 24, 2003
You understand by now that this site is dedicated to Heather but we decided to make it more attractive to you to offer Today's Headlines. On this way you stay informed about Heather and also about the things that's going on around the world via this new service at www.heathernova.us.
Just go to the secion "News" to find out more about our new service.
You are free to send your comments or uggestions to webmaster@heathernova.us about our site.
We also received an email from Yamin Tabi who wrote the article on "Coming Out", she asked us if we want to put a link from her online magazine under the article, which is no problem.
Not only that : we have included her name under the section Credits because Yasmin did a great interview with Heather.
Feel free to visit Yasmin's online magazine at : http://www.onefortytwo.com
June 25, 2003
Heather did a great perfomance at the Pinkpop festival in 2002, it was a warming up for her upcomming South Tour that she did in 2002.
Now you can listen to this concert at the Pinkpop Festival. All you have to do is to choose for the section "Multimedia" and then select "Audio" and choose Pinkpop.
June 26, 2003
An acoustic evening with Heather Nova in the Netherlands
Yes, you read it right! Heather didn't forget the Netherlands as well on her promotion tour for her newest cd "Storm" that will come out in August.
She will do an acoustic perfomance at the Care theather in Amsterdam on September 17 and a day later people in Groningen can see her at the Oosterpoort.
You can order tickets for this gig via https://tickets.lvp.nl/nl/index.htm
More news :
Axel, a Heather Nova fan that I met at the little fan meeting in Amsterdam at Crossing Border in november 2002 wrote in the mailing list (via http://www.heathernova.org)
Hi, a few days ago i found this message (see below) in my mailbox.I forward it, after i asked the sender if thats ok with her.(it was ;) We've met Cynthia earlier on this list, and she was there at the little fan meeting in Amsterdam at Crossing Border in november 2002. Here is what she wrote.
bye Axel
------------------------------ Original Message ----- From: Cynthia Fridsma Saturday, June 21, 2003 10:34 PM Subj: Remember me? Hi guys,
It has been a long time, hasn't it. But it doesn't mean that I forget about you (////..///) it took about a month before I had the time to send you this message, because I also made a promise to Heather that I would redesign the nova site and now that I' ve finished the job, I found some time to write to you.
Check the new nova site out at : http://www.heathernova.us and at http://www.heathernova.co.uk Here you will also find a small video from Heather's "Sugar", with you can find on the section "Multimedia"
I've registered the UK domain name because it was available and I guess that this have something to do with Heather because this domain used to be from V2.
I guess that you also know that Heather is doing a tour, but did you also know that she will visit Belgium in on August 13. Read more about this at http://www.marktrock.be/
Well take care and I hope to hear from you.
Thanks Axel!
Hope to meet you during Heather's performance in Carre, perhaps with other HN-fans as well???
June 27, 2003
More tour dates from Heather available!
Take a look at the section "Tour dates" and find out if Heather will visit your town in Europe!
Let's hope that she also will do a gig in the US somewhere in the future.
I have also a question for you guys: if you have seen a concert from Heather, than share your point of view with us. If you are a fan from Heather or if you have some comments about our site, than let us know. We will put your comments on our server.
Just send an email to: cynthia@heathernova.us. All comments are welcome!
More news: we add two links to our database:
Westward Expansion, a band from the United States. On their site you can listen to demos etc.
A Collection Of Rock Instrumentals, a site from a Rock Fan with mp3's.
Both sites are more than welcome at www.heathernova.us
Let's hope that more sites will join us!
June 28, 2003
We received two nice links about Heather in our mailbox
It is great to know that there are so many people willing to create a site about Heather and now we received another great link that we ad to our database.
The first site is titled Heather Nova Live Photo where and contains a lot of beautifull photos from Heather during concerts in the UK.
Just click here to go to "Heather Nova Live Photo" to see what we mean.
The second site is titled : Yellow Summer and is a great HN - fanlisting page, that's why I decided to register myself on this nice and good looking site.
Just click here to go to "Yellow Summer" to see what we mean.
June 30, 2003
We received two nice emails from other sites
Life can be wunderfull, busy yes, but wunderfull. Perhaps you wonder why?
Well it's because we received two emails from other sites, the first one came for the New York times where we ask if we may use some information from the newsletter regarding entertainment.
I quote :
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to link to an article at www.nytimes.com, anyone following that link will be asked to register (free) with www.nytimes.com to access the article. Users already registered will flow right to the article. If the linked article resides in the Premium Archive (generally more than one week old), users will be asked to pay for access to the article. There are instances where articles are held outside of the Premium Archive for longer periods, but I can not tell you if that's the case for the content you're interested in. Also, if you happen to have the URL for the article prior to its move to the Premium Archive, it may continue to work for some time without payment, and you are welcome to link to it--we do not have the former URLs for articles that have passed over to the Premium Archive, so you would have to make a note of it before that. For more information on the logistics of linking, please refer to:
http://www.nytimes.com/ref/membercenter/help/linkingfaq.html Sincerely,
David ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Which means that we can use the links to articles from the New York Times that we want to share with you. Isn't that great?
We also received a nice email from Jennifer who's going to write an article about Heather.
She wrote the following (I quote):
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Webmaster,
First of all, I want to apologize for this unsolicited email. But, I just wanted to tell you how amazing your Heather Nova site looks. I'd like to add it to AskMen's Heather Nova premium links.
AskMen.com is currently the largest online men's magazine, boasting over 8.0 million unique readers a month. We're a top 300 Web property according to Nielsen NetRatings. Needless to say, it's a great platform to help increase your site's visibility.
Heather Nova will be AskMen's Singer of the week on July 9th, 2003 and we would like to give your readers the chance to see and learn more about this talented performer. Her feature will be divided into 3 pages with an up-to-date bio, a fun commentary and a more prominent Fan Site section to generate more viewers to your site.
If you're interested, our editors will categorize your site i n the gold, silver or bronze section, based on factors like appearance, quality of information, loading time and the number of readers referred to us. Remember it's totally free and it will get more people to your site.
Also note that the links are very targeted and guarantee to deliver new readers back to your site for ever. Therefore, please make sure to include our newly designed and personalized banner; i t looks classy and it will definitely please her fans.
Just let me know by replying with the URL where AskMen.com is linked. Also TAKE NOTE that you SHOULD link to the main http://www.askmen.com/index.html until the feature goes up or simply wait for the day of the feature to exchange the links.
Sound's wunderfull, don't you agree?
Click here to find out more about AskMen.com
We also received two new members for our online magazine, Edwin and Dmytriy your both welcome!
Let's hope that more will join us so that we can launch our mailinglist!
There is also some bad news:
The first Lady of Hollywood, Katharina Hepburn died on June 29 at the age of 96. You can read the whole article if you click on this link.
Take care and keep visiting www.heathernova.us for the latets issues.