News about HeatherNova.ORG
We would like to inform you that the heathernova organization at http://www.heathernova.org is going to change into the official Heather Nova website at http://www.heathernova.com that you can find on heather's latest release, Storm.
But for the moment it points to heathernova.org, this is because HNO has been acquired by Heather's management, and will go on as www.heathernova.com once the proper migration will be done to a UK server, as of Heather's request.
Most of the content from HNO will stay, some will not. Heather, her label and her management will use the Newsletter to communicate the latest news to fans. The Heather Nova Mailing-list is down now for technical maintenance, and most likely will stay like this, as there are no arrangements with Heather's management to keep it going.
But closing down the mailing-list doesn't mean the end because we will continue this service via our site with the same enthusiasm as the people from HNO. You can join the mailing-list by choosing "Become a member,” membership is free so why wait?
We will also coordinate this with 'Novaforums' and we will see what the future might bring.
The HNO team will work on the heathernova.com site for technical revisions and news updates under Heather's management.
We have add a new service
I am addictive to movies and that's one of the main reasons why I've installed a home cinema in my place at Amsterdam, were also the head office is for HeatherNova.US.
HeatherNova.US is a nonprofit organization and our goal is to increase Heather's popularity, which you all know by now I suppose.
In order to offer more than any other 'general fan site,' you know that we pretend to be different, we offer a lot of information about 'our' Heather, but we also offer world news, creative issues, virus warnings etc. and now I've decided to include my private video collection to the site to offer you lots’ of information about the video's and DVD’s that I have and I will also discuss (with captured pictures) some video clips from Heather herself. You can find this under the section "Video Collection" . . .
I haven't added all my movies yet (it is serval hundreds) but it's a beginning. I also offer you the opportunity to visit the HN Online Magazine if you're in the neighborhood of Amsterdam for free.
Our address is: HeatherNova.US Het Breed 927 1025 JG AMSTERDAM The Netherlands
Phone : +31 - 20 634 45 26
With regards,
Cynthia Fridsma, Creative Manager
New members!
We now have 22 new members for our list
Their names are Christian, Beth, Frankie, Ed, Sally, Lucky, Guillaume, Ashley, Steve, David, Sjaak, Louise, George, Kevin, Mike, Tim, Debie, Greg, Jerry, David, John, Julian and Edmond.
You are all more than welcome!
David wrote also something nice about our online magazine: I 'm intrigued by your Web site! For such a great artist as Heather, she deserves the best! I only hope I get to see her live one day (if she ever tours the states; except for that one gig in Florida each year!)
Thank you David! We will keep up the good work!
George wanted also to introduce himself to us and you can find out more about him under the section "Personal, Introduce yourself, George"
Thanks George for becoming a member from our Online Magazine!
The total amount is now 37, let's hope that more people will join us at www.heathernova.us.
We are also going to cooperate together with Novaforums.com regarding the mailing list, since heathernova.org is going to close down the mailing list.
Thanks again!
And don't forget:
Becoming a member also means that you are supporting www.heathernova.us, so why waiting? Membership is free.
A new site submission
We received a new submission from George, who created a fantastic site as a tribute to the late Rory Gallagher. May he rest in peace . . .
You can visit his site via the section "Links, George's homepage"
We received a new submission from the Official Website of Sally French an English Singer and Songwriter.
Sally French, the English singer songwriter has captivated and enchanted audiences all around the world. Sally French is very much like her voice - mystical and ethereal - and this quality is displayed on her debut album Destiny.
You can visit the site via the section "Links, Sally French"
Support the HN-USA Fans!
What happened to the States?
================== Written by Cynthia Fridsma ==================
I receive serval letters by email from worried HN-fans from the USA concerning Heather's Storm album. When will it be available in the States? I do not know either and because I want an explanation on the question why the United states seem to be "less" important, I decided to do a research on the net.
Heather's album will be available in the UK on September 8, in the Netherlands on September 15 but they do not mention the States.
What happened to the States? Heather's CD is on August 25 available in Germany and it seems to me that Sony forgets the USA and their fans, which is no good. This is the reason that I filled a form on Sony's online music store (since Sony Europe is distributing the CD for Europe) to find out when Heather's CD will arrive in the United States. Sure, you can order it online in Europe, but not all of us speak German and after all: I think that ordering it online directly in the States is cheaper than ordering it somewhere in Europe (think about the Shipment costs) . . .
So I am waiting for a reaction from Sony USA to hear what they will say about this.
After all, wasn't the V2 record company (owned by Sony) responsible why Heather wasn't able to tour in the USA? You can read all about it on Heather's old site at http://www.heather-nova.com I quote Heather's diary: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sadly, no imminent tour in the states afterall. we had dates lined up, but at the last minute the record company decided not to bring us over. i am as disappointed as you are. let me try to explain how it works: the gigs in europe can sustain themselves - ie, we are at a level there where a tour in europe pays for itself, so we can tour whenever we want to. however, in the states we cannot do it without the record company's support. it is simply financially impossible. not to mention the issue of work permits etc. so my hands are tied. it has nothing to do with how much i care - i care equally about all my fans in every country, so please don't take it so personally! (i also have no control over when the label decides to release my album - these are the kinds of contractual binds artists are always coming up against) however, hope springs eternal, and fingers crossed, we will be over there by the end of summer.
so with this unexpected time off i am writing again, singing on a friend's record, working with a naturopath on some ideas for "healing music". lots of interesting things are emerging. i have also decided to go around to some hospices and play for people - taking music to people who can't go out to hearit.
more later, and thanks for writing in with your (mostly!) positive feedback.
p.s. a glowstars coffee mug?? wow! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Source : http://www.heather-nova.com/diary/index.html
I am asking for your help, dear visitors, to support our HN fans in the States and fill in the form at Sony Music Store to ask for Heather's album Storm.
Click on this text to visits Sony Online Music stores to fill in the form and let them know how you think about this issue.
Thank you very much for your support on behalf of all the HN-fans in the United States!
Virus allert!
A colleague from us received an email from security@microsoft.com concerning a patch that we should install on our server.
It didn't take long to discover that the message was fake and we would like to warn you all about fake emails concerning a patch that you have to install on your computer.
If you install the patch, than you are installing a computer virus.
Be aware that Microsoft never sent an email directly to you.
Always check for check for a patch via ms-windows Update instead of installing a "patch" that you received by email.
This is the email that our colleague received:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ POP31,gerard X-PPSource-MBox: gerard@refrisoftware.be X-PPAccount: gerard X-PPDownloadDate: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 12:30:48 +0200 X-PPDownloadTimeStamp: 127076634482743408 X-PPVia: POP3 Download service X-PPRemoteMessageNumber: 6 X-PPUIDL: bad36776a48ed7791fcfb5932d8fa2df Return-path: <admin@duma.gov.ru> Received: from mail.dnsvr.com (unverified []) by is.nl (Rockliffe SMTPRA 5.2.5) with ESMTP id <B0010933646@sinis.is.nl> for <g.a.c.reniers@internet- publication.com>; Tue, 9 Sep 2003 21:08:33 +0200 Received: from localhost (node-c-8d02.a2000.nl []) by mail.dnsvr.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 8240D1D8F5F for <gerard@refrisoftware.be>;
Tue, 9 Sep 2003 15:09:24 -0400 (EDT) From: "Microsoft" <security@microsoft.com> To: <gerard@refrisoftware.be>
Subject: Use this patch immediately ! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary="xxxx" Message-Id: <20030909190924.8240D1D8F5F@mail.dnsvr.com> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 15:09:24 -0400 (EDT) --xxxx Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch now! There are dangerous virus in the Internet now! More than 500.000 already infected! --xxxx Content-Type: application/download Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=patch.exe
--------------------------------------------- Please note that the return path from this email point to admin@duma.gov.ru
WARNING Never open such an email and use a good Virus Scanner
Sony music store, where is Heather's CD?
A generous offer
================= Written by Cynthia Fridsma =================
Running an online Magazins also means that we receive loads of email, I consider most of them as 'spam', but I have my doubts sometimes about how to treat incoming email.
On moments of doubts I discuss about it with the Staff to ask their point of view and if that's the case I forward it to them.
I had my doubts with the email from ADDR, a company that sells webspace for third parties, because they send a genrous offer about having our magazine running for free on their server in the United States for a period of one year.
This surely is a generous offer but because we are a proffesional site, runing streaming media etc. we decided not to use ADDR's service because our webserver in the UK have an unlimited bandwith, otherwise it would be to expensive to run the site with multimedia content, so that there is no extra charge for the used broadband.
But because of the generous offer we decided to do ADDR a favour in return by reprinting the email on the frontpage and don't get me wrong, we are a non-profit organization and don't get paid.
We also think, with the bad situation according the world economy, that it is good for business to do a favour in return.
This is the e-mail that we received:
I came across your web site- 'www.heathernova.us', the official website of "The Heather Nova Project". I presume that the Heather Nova Online Magazine offers worldnews, trailers, issues about what's going on in Hollywood, learn how to play guitar etc. I find your website to be very fascinating and I went through the contents of your website which are quite interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed browsing through various webpages via the interactive links given in your site. Your site has a simple and professional look, thanks to the blue and black combination background. I give you all the credit for creating such an incredible site. I believe that you can enrich your company's prospects by having a better hosting platform.
I work in the marketing department of ADDR.COM (ADDR.COM is a professional web hosting and web design provider currently servicing over 60,000 customers) and if you would be interested in trying our services, I can offer you a full year of hosting for your site http://www.heathernova.us completely free of charge.
Should you decide to cancel at any time, you will of course not be charged anything. In fact, we will get in touch before the completion of the trial period to find out how you liked our services and if you would like to continue with ADDR.COM.
To sign up, simply go to our website (http://www.addr.com/ordering.htm) and go through the standard ordering form. There is no need to provide a credit card number, simply select "pay by check" option for now and mention "1 year free from ..... " in the "How did you hear about us" field. Also, it would be great if you could send me a quick email to let me know that you signed-up so that I can ensure you get the 1 year free from our end.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions. Your files and domain name will be transferred for free, so please avail this opportunity to make sure you get our trial offer.
If you would like to run a sit on your own, it might be a good idea to visit ADDR.
Click here to go to http://www.addr.com to find out more about ADDR.
Letters to the editor
I have been a Heather Nova fan for years now. I follow her carrer pretty closely. Unfortunatley, being in the United States it is very difficult to not only get her albums, but any information that the European magazines and so forth publish. If there is any other resources to acquire cds,. magazine articles, interviews, tv or radio specials any info that i may be able to get via www would be appreciated.
We will keep you up-to-date and we hope that Heather will do a tour in the United States in the future. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
I'm not sure if this is the right email address, but I would like to thank you for mentioning Sally French at the bottom of the newsletter.
I am very impressed with your website and you have some great ideas and some really detailed information on Heather which I'm sure will be valued by fans.
Good luck with everything...
HARMONIOUS on behalf of Sally French www.harmonious.biz www.harmoniweb.biz www.sally-french.com
Thank you and I am sure that our visitors will like your sally-french site as well :)
Software to download
A new service is born on our site, a service page where you can download software and that's not all:
We also found some software for MAC users as well...
Visit our new service at http://www.heathernova.us/computer/service/
Personal: Friends for life
================= written by Cynthia Fridsma =================
I made a promise to my two step-daughters, I like to call them present-daughters (since I got them as a "gift" when I met my friend Gerard who is divorced), that I would take care of their pets while they were on holiday in Turkey with their mother.
Nikata (15) owns a bunny named 'Nijntje' and Tamara (16) owns a guinea-pig named Blacky. At first the two bunnies started to fight and I thought that this would never end. But after three days theybecame very close and I decided to put the two on film for my two children.
To make it even more personal for my children I decided to put an old song of my, New day, on the movie as well.
I promised that I would publish it on the nova site under the personal section so that they could see the movie and show it around to their friends at school. Perhaps this will result in new HeatherNova fans? You never knows right? And let's face it:
"All we want to do with the Online Magazine is to promote Heather and hope that Heather will also do a tour in the United States somewhere in the future."
You can see the movie (7 minutes) under the section "Personal, Pets, Friends for life"
And if you want to know the looks of our two daughters, you can go to the section "Personal, Introduce Yourself, My children"
Short stories
Did you ever plan to write a story and to see wether it is possible to publish it? Than don't look any further because I have found a nice site where you can submit your own story.
Just visit http://www.short-stories.co.uk/ to see what I mean.
On this site you can also read stories from other authors and you can send your contribution by email as a text file or as a ms-word document. There is a wide collection to choose from.
The site receives about half a million unique page views per month, so successful submissions are likely to be viewed by more readers than in almost any other short story publication. In addition, the site receives attention from agents, the press, film makers, schools, universities and other publishers. Note that their editorial standards are high and that they do not publish all the submissions they receive. If necessary, editors work with authors of successful submissions prior to placing the story on the short-stories site.
Accepted authors will receive a page on the site where readers can access all the authors’ stories as well as biographical or event information, story background and links. Any comments posted to the site relating to the authors submission will be made available to the authors’ self by email.
There is a "Short Stories Uncut section" for those who would like some opinions on early drafts of stories or for fewer experienced authors who feel they are not quite ready to submit their stories to the site but would still like some feedback on their writing.
Stories can be sent by email to publishinginfo@eastoftheweb.com
Click here to visit the site