JUNE 2005 |
June , 2005
Welcome on the Heather Nova Online Magazine, the place on the internet were you can find all the information you want with a simple click of your mouse.
We're a non-profit organization and try to offer you the best on the net and we provide you with lot's of information about your idol: Heather Nova, the shining star from Bermuda.
Heather live at the Vredenburg, Utrecht
Heather Nova will do a live performance at the Vredeburg (main hall) on October 4, 2005.
Click on this text to buy the tickets online
Interview with Heather
Heather Nova - accessible music with evocatively sensual and stunning female vocals
===================================== music reviews © Evelyn Downing, Jamie Field, Justin R Elswick, Russell W Elliot 2003 interview © Musical Discoveries (credits) 2003 photos © Jelger Groeneveld and Joseph Voncken 2003 images © V2 Records and Saltwater Ltd 1993-2003 all images used with permission =====================================
You are about to read an in-depth and retrospective article that reviews all of Heather Nova's (authorised) albums: Glow Stars (1993), Blow (1993), Oyster (1994), Live From The Milky Way (1995), Siren (1998), Wonderlust (2000), South (2001) and the new album Storm (2003). The article also includes reflections on Heather's live performances. The worldwide web offers plenty of further information on Heather Nova including a vast array of photographs of this stunning vocalist.
Go to the section "Articles, Reviews and exclusive artist reflection"
With special thanks to Russel Eliot from http://www.musicaldiscoveries.com/
New album from Heather
Heather is nowadays busy with the recording of a new album, which is good news!The new album is titled "Redbird" and the track list is as follows:
Welcome I Miss My Sky (Amelia Earhart's Last Days) Motherland Redbird Done Drifting Overturned Mesmerized Signing You Through A Way To Live Wicked Game This Body The Sun Will Always Shine
The album will be released somewhere in August 2005 and we’re all looking forward to have a copy of Heather’s album, don’t we? We will keep you up to date when the new album arrives in your local shop.
New dutch site, a Heather Nova weblog site...
Heather Nova is great and now there's a Dutch weblog site online http://heathernova.web-log.nl/ for the Netherlands and for Belgium.
There will be a 'true' Heather Nova site in the Dutch language as well, because they are working on a Dutch site at http://www.heather-nova.nl
Letters send to the editor
Do you want to post a message to the editor? Send your email to letters@heathernova.info We received a letter from a fan about the Wonderlust cd from Heather.
The fan wrote: The cd Wonderlust live is one of the greatest live cds ever, please tell me that this concert was captured live and is available on dvd. And if it is not it should be. It is one of heathers greatest cds.
Our reply: I am sorry to inform you, but the Wonderlust cd is not available on dvd and yes, I agree with you that the Wunderlust cd is one of the best live cds from Heather.
But there is a DVD available from Heather: "live at the Union Chappel" which is a great DVD. Go to http://www.heathernova.com/dvd/ for more information
Hello Cynthia
Thank you very much for writing regarding our Heather Nova article at Musical Discoveries. You have our full permission to use the article at heathernova.us with the proviso that you add the links and provide credit as indicated in the e-mail below.
I will be very grateful for your confirmation when the article has been published onto the site.
Best regards
Russell W. Elliot, Editor-in-Chief Musical Discoveries
web: http://www.musicaldiscoveries.com
My reply
Hello Russ,
Thanks for your permission to use your article about Heather and I have published it on our site and gave you all the credits . . .
You can read the article at: http://www.heathernova.us/01c21193970eab75a/01c21196670799e02/index.html
I have also put your site on our link page at: http://www.heathernova.us/01c21194bb0935606/01c21196670914211/index.html
And put a link of your site on our credit page . . .
Best Regards,
Did you know that Heather made a new album titled "Redbird"? You can find out more on our site at http://www.heathernova.us and on http://www.heathernova.com
A few articles on our site are brought you by the New York Times.
In order to read the complete article you will need to register yourself at the NY Times.
After the registration you will be able to read the complete NY Times articles that we selected for you from which we think that they might interest you.
Go to the section "News, New York Times" to read the newsletter, provided by the New York Times.
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We already had a postcard service on our site but we decided to renew the postcard service to make it even more attractive to you! Because now you can select more than one receiver.
Go to the section “Send a postcard” and choose the card that you want to send to your friends... Or you can go to http://postcards.heathernova.info if you don’t like i-frames (or if your browser doesn’t support i-frames.
New members
New members for the mailing list:
There are now 180 members for the list, when can we put you on the list (if you aren't there already?)
--- comments from new members : -------------- user: spunky comments: hello Heather how are you with your baby(1year) I hope you come back this summer or winter for a brilliant new gig at Paradiso or Carre in loving Amsterdam
big kiss from Bart
user : tanja comments: i want to now when heather nova comes to holland in 2005 please let me now
user : mikey77 comments: Please tell me how i can get the Storm CD, its not available at any store i have been at
user: fistralblu comments: I am really keen to go to one of HN concerts in the UK. I would be really grateful if you could let me know if there are any.
user: estergerding comments: Everytime i see and hear Heather Nova my heart goos wild!!!!She is the best. Love from Holland
user: starmania comments: i 'm a chineses heatherfan!
user: chewie comments: heather, the loveliest voice in female rock today. i love her!
user: chris.h comments: finally got broadband so can now access some decent sites. i was actually trying to find info on any future tour plans when i came across this site. have been a fan of heather nova since 'london rain' but unfortunatly have yet to see her live. the fact that she has not had high profile exposure in the uk charts can be seen as a blessing as it avoids the mainstream bullshit that goes on with our charts and record labels. as for that voice ...
what can i say...... it gets right inside and stirs you up, amazing. great site keep up the good work, cheers chris.
user: Butterfly comments: Hi, my name is Sofía, Im 21 years old and Im mexican and I absolutely love Heather´s music!!!! Im one of her biggest fans!!! Very nice page!!!....Good job! Sofía
--- new members for the cd project ---------- name: Marko comments: I play guitar, bass- also sing and write lyrics both in finnish (my native) and english. I'm interested in writing and making a song for this project- more information on schedule, please :) singer: yes lyrics: yes I write Lyrics or Poems
name: Jade lastname: Brown lyrics: yes I write Lyrics or Poems yourstory: I started writing just after my Father died in 1997 and used his death as an inspiration. I've written a musical currently under production and I have a band called Avex. (visit the website at www.avexonline.com). Now studying at college and hope to become a music journalist back to start page --- end comments --------------
Go to the section "Become a member" to subscribe to the list and have your user name listed on the cover page. You can go to the section "Mailing list" to find out more about the Heather Nova mailing list.
Heather Nova - Online Magazine is getting better all the time.
Heather Nova - Live at the Union Chapel DVD
Live concert footage, performing the tracks:
Let’s Not Talk About Love, I wanna Be Your Light, One Day in June, You left me a song, All I need, Drink It In, Fool For You, River Of Life and Storm
Backstage performance of the tracks: New Love - Every Time
Special Features : Music Videos : Drink It In, River Of Life
To see the video, River Of Life, you have to go to the section "Multimedia, Videoclips, complete video 'River of Life'"
Complete video "River of Life"
If you have installed Real Audio Player you can see the complete video "The River Of Life", brought you by http://www.othello.tv
To see the video, you have to go to the section "Multimedia, Videoclips, complete video 'River of Life'"
A new site submission from musicaldiscoveries
With the keywords : contemporary, progresive and crossover female vocalists
Content Acclaimed for depth and quality of our editorial content, here you'll find reviews, engaging interviews and links to resources with further information, images and soundbites.
Coming soon. Features on Epica, Leaves' Eyes, Sarah McLachlan and more. Reviews of new albums by Blackmore's Night, Edenbridge, Glass Hammer and more. Site news. March, April and May 2005 digests are online.
View Joseph Voncken's newest Epica and Within Temptation photos.
Read Stephen Lambe's interview-packed Progaid feature.
You can visit this site by going to http://www.musicaldiscoveries.com/
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