MARCH 2006 |
March 28, 2006
Welcome on the Heather Nova Online Magazine, the place on the Internet
where you can find all the information you want with a simple click of your
We're a nonprofit organization and try to offer you the best on the net
and we provide you with lots’ of information about your idol & our figure
head : Heather Nova, the shining star from Bermuda.
P.s. go to the .Info site if you want to discuss the fact why this website
has an US domain.
HN summer shows in NL.
Written by Axel
HN summer shows in NL.
Heather is coming to the Bredase turfschip, sorry, mistake, i mean the
trojan horse (Paard van Troje) in The Hague
on august 2: tickets already available, national ticket selling starts march
The next day HN shows up in Eindhoven, which is supposed to be some big
place in Brabant
ticket selling starts March 29.
Streaming media : a short video impression
I created a short video impression of the show in Amsterdam, go to
the section "Articles,
Simply the best, a short video impression" to see it on your computer.
An Intimate Evening with Heather Nova
Heather Nova, simply the best
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
Amsterdam, March 20, 2006
On March 20, 2006 at 8:15 P.m. Heather hit the stage on the Pepsi Stage
in Amsterdam, which was totally sold out. I didn’t know what to expect from
an ‘intimate evening with Heather Nova’, would it have anything to do with
the SorrowJoy, the book full with beautiful poems, written by Heather or would
it be something else?
After all, from the information I found at heathernova.com I knew that
you can buy Heather’s Sorrowjoy CD only during concerts. I expected that
she would do some poems during her performance with a stripped down band
containing two members: Fiona Pears, who happens to be an amazing violist
and Ian Tilley a great ‘piano man’.
It was busy and all the seats were taken and there was not a real opening
act either. Fiona and Ian started to warm up the audience and after playing
two songs and the crowd went crazy when Heather hit the stage. The combo isn’t
complete without Heather . . .
Heather, Fiona and Ian took off with Gloomy Sunday(1), which was a great
choice by Heather to start with. The combination of the Piano, Violin and
Heather’s golden voice melted every heart in the hall.
Go to the seaction "Articles,
An Intimate Evening with Heather Nova" to read the complete article.
Webstats caused annoying pop-ups
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
We use a free counter, provided by WebStats4U. It used to be a service
provided by Nedstats, but it all changed into WebStats4U.
I didn’t realize that this free counter also offers annoying pop-ups because
my browser: Firefox blocks them automatically. However, a friend of mine,
living in Belgium, informed me by email about the annoying pop-up and I wanted
to know how to turn this damn - pardon my words - popup off.
Sure, I can delete the code of the counter, but than I will loose the history
of four years and I don’t want to loose that. There have been 55,403 visitors
from all around the world on our site. 11,864 from the states!
I hope that the numbers of visitors will grow to 70,000 this year so people
keep coming back and inform your friends too about our site. It is good publicity
for Heather too.
Um, back to the popup blocker. I’ve found a script that blocks the pop-ups,
though finding it wasn’t easy and if you’re having the same problem with WebStats4U,
than you should use the script too.
Here’s the script:
<!-- BEGIN Popup Blocker -->
<script language='javascript'>
function NS_NullWindow(){this.window;}
function NS_NewOpen(url,nam,atr){return(new NS_NullWindow());}
<!-- END Popup Blocker -->
Copy this script and place it between the head and the body tag of the
page where your webstat counter is ;-)
P.s. please inform me by email if your
browser still recieves an annoying popup. The pop-ups have nothing to do with
our site btw.
A new contribution for the CD Project!
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
When I started the CD-project about two years ago I
didn't expect that there are so manny talented Heather Nova fans around the
world . People like Masimo, Mark Johnson, Kin San Westwood, Beata Ryvoli,
Alex Fantini have done their best to make the project a success, when I gave
the CD on July 8 to Heather herself .
I didn't expect that anyone new would do another Heather
Nova song or a song on his/her own, but when I received an email from Arno
Sojo, last week, I was thrilled again. He wrote that he covered Heather's
song 'New love' for the project and I was looking forward to his version of
Heather's song.
I uploaded Arno's version of 'New Love' and now everyone can hear Arno's
beautiful voice singing Heather's song. Go to the section "HN CD Project, Music, New Love" and enjoy!
Thanks a lot for your contribution Arno!
Heather Nova Live inRockport Maine July 15th
Written by Sakis P
a good online friend of mine informed me that Heather will perform for
Bermuda Sloop foundation a gig on July 15th in Rockport Maine. I informed
friends up there and i plan on taking a ride up there (that town is about
hours away from me here in Massachusetts, but a very good friend of mine
lives near there), so i will stay overnight at my friends house and see
Heather perform the next day w/my friends.
Trouble is i do not have any specifics at the moment, so if anyone gets
information about this show, time frame, ticket prices, location etc etc
PLEASE post it here ok? I can not wait to get to see her finally Live!!!
Also in a couple of weeks i might be a guest DJ for a morning radio show
a Florida Radio station http://www.wprkdj.org (you can hear the radio stream
via Real player by saving their file on your desktop and then opening it
pressing play to hear the live radio stream), so i will definitely feature
song by Heather, possibly "redbird" this time (when i guest DJ did last
time i
featured "I miss my sky".
I will post more info on my blog at http://www.myspace.com/sakisgr
when it is
all confirmed. The radio show is from 6 to 8 AM eastern USA time on Fridays
called Permanent Daylight (that means it starts about noon time in central
european time)...
Anyway, that is all for now
it is been a bit quiet here. How about you busy europeans. Did anyone go
her recent European shows? Let us all know here...
Hugs to all
Sakis in Boston
Written by Perry Black
hello Sakis, well that is great news!
Now while it may not be a full blown gig, it will be the first time Heather
has played in the US in years... and good reason to break out the champagne
to "christen" the "gig" (;-) .... yeah, ok, maybe just one song, but hey,
while shes coming that way....perhaps she'll get some support from someone
and do a full blow concert there somewhere.
You all treat her good while she is there..
and i expect you will see more news about the gig either on
http://www.heathernova.com (check the forums, too) or
(check the forums, too) or http://www.bermudasloop.org/
and if i have a chance to talk with her at one of the upcoming gigs or
find out from Massimo (he will surely get some news), or someone else, we
will certainly let you know.
here is wishing you goosebumps ...
Tickets for a gig in Luxembourg
Written by Didier Colot
Live in Luxembourg
I have got 2 tickets for this gig, 50 Euros for the two tickets. Contact
me via the webmaster of this site by sending an email to cynthia@heathernova.info
Sign our guest book
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Written by Cynthia Fridsma
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It has been a while since last time you heard from me . . . but
I have been
busy with teaching myself how to program in PHP to adjust the website a
little bit.
The first project I have finished is a guest book for the site that you
find at http://www.heathernova.us/guestbook/
It looks rather simple, I know. However, it works with MySQL
New Heather Nova Postcards!
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Written by Cynthia Fridsma
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Did you know that Hugues Cousin created some new Heather Nova postcards
for the postcard service at http://www.heathernova.us/postcards/
Perhaps not, because I have not updated the main pages
since February 13, 2006.
Anyway, Hugues did a great job with the postcards (thanks again Hugues)
and you can see them all via our Postcards service
What happened in the past?
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Written by Cynthia Fridsma
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March 10, 2006,
Did you know that we have an Archive of our cover page since June 2003?
Well we have, and you can read all the old ‘front page articles’ on our site
in the section “Archive”.
Some highlights:
On June 26, 2003
An acoustic evening with Heather Nova in the Netherlands
Yes, you read it right! Heather didn't forget the Netherlands as well on
her promotion tour for her newest cd "Storm" that will come out in August.
She will do an acoustic performance at the Care theater in Amsterdam on
September 17 and a day later people in Groningen can see her at the Oosterpoort.
You can order tickets for this gig via https://tickets.lvp.nl/nl/index.htm
On September 2003
We would like to inform you that the heathernova organization
at http://www.heathernova.org is going to change into the official Heather
Nova website at http://www.heathernova.com that you can find on heather's
latest release, Storm.
But for the moment it points to heathernova.org, this is because HNO has
been acquired by Heather's management, and will go on as www.heathernova.com
once the proper migration will be done to a UK server, as of Heather's request.
Most of the content from HNO will stay, some will not. Heather, her label
and her management will use the Newsletter to communicate the latest news
to fans. The Heather Nova Mailing-list is down now for technical maintenance,
and most likely will stay like this, as there are no arrangements with Heather's
management to keep it going.
But closing down the mailing-list doesn't mean the end because we will
continue this service via our site with the same enthusiasm as the people
from HNO. You can join the mailing-list by choosing "Become a member,” membership
is free so why wait?
We will also coordinate this with 'Novaforums' and we will see what the
future might bring.
The HNO team will work on the heathernova.com site for technical revisions
and news updates under Heather's management.
You can read this articles and more via the section “Archive”.
Become an editor and promote Heather Nova
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Written by Cynthia Fridsma
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Supporting Heather, that's what our Heahter Nova Online Magazine is all
about and I've decided to change the .info site into an open online resource
where members can post their own articles after they subscribe themselves
for a free membership, a little bit like Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
To ease the job as an editor a little bit, I decided to install a new WYSIWYG
editor for the site and intergrate the forum with the new editor too. You
can read all about it on our "HeatherNova.info" site.
Everyone who becomes a member of the .info site can now start writing,
edit and delete their own articles because I decided
(I mentioned this a few issues ago in the mailing list) to open the .info
site for everybody who want's to write articles etc.
I think that this is a good way of promoting Heather because the more people
write the greater the chances are that someone new will discover Heather Nova
because the .info site is (just like the other sites) listed at more than
6,000 search engines and portals.
I wrote a short tutorial for the new members (but need to update the articles
sections because of the new and better WYSIWYG editor) at http://www.heathernova.info/tutorial/
A flash tutorial is on its way!
Fool for you
Want to see this video clip? Then go to the section "Multimedia,
Videoclips, Fool for you"
P.s. You need Realaudio player to see the clip
Heather Nova Live
Tourdates 2006
Heather Nova - 2006 tour dates
Heather Nova will embark on a short spring tour in 2006. The tour dates
are as follows:
March 13 Zurich, Switzerland Kongresshaus
March 14 Antwerp, Belgium Arenbergschouwburg
March 15 Gent, Belgium Vooruit
March 17 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Den Atelier
March 18 Roeselare, Belgium De Spil
March 19 Groningen, Netherlands De Oosterpoort
March 20 Amsterdam, Netherlands Pepsi Stage
March 24 Leuven, Belgium Het Depot
March 25 Tongeren, Belgium De Velinx
Article reprinted on this website courtesy of http://www.heathernova.com
Postcard service with a new layout
I decided to make the postcard service more attractive to you, since
almost no one is using the postcard service. Why is beyond me because the
service was a success last year if I look at the statistics.
Now I gave the postcard service the same look and feel as the rest of our
website. I hope that more people will use the postcard facilities since it's
free and if you want to send some pictures yourself to be used in the service
than feel free to send them to me at cynthia@heathernova.info
I assure you that I will give you all the credits for each picture you send!
Feel free to check it out and go to the section “Send a postcard.”
Heather live at Pukkelpop
Written by Cynthia Fridsma
Heather gave a concert on August 20 at the Pukkelpop festival in Belgium
and Bernd Wenisch from HeatherNova-info.COM
created a video impression from this event.
With thanks to Bernd you are able to see Heather live at the Pukkelpop festival.
Go to the section "Multimedia,
Videoclips, Pukkelpop" to see the video clip.
P.S. you will need the QuickTime Player to see the video.
Bring the elephant home!
Date: 8/25/2005 17:50:44 +0200
From: editor@heathernova.com
Subject: Bring the elephant home!
Hello fans,
I would like to stress out Heather's involvement with the Bring the elephant
home campaign. Please take a look at these two links to learn about the project
and Heather's involvment.
Antoinette and her crew will have this big party/auction in Blijburg aan
Zee on September 3rd, which will help raise money for the project. On that
day they will auction the items donated by Heather, so I hope that many fans
from the area will decide to go there and support the project.
But also fans from around the World are able to donate through the website!
So let's get into action and let's bring the elephants home
at the sound of Heather's music! :-)
Letters send to the editor
Do you want to post a message to the editor? Send your email to
Do you want to read letters from the past? Than go to the section "Mail,
Letters and comments"
Wonderlust Winter
Blue Walk This World Island Heart And Shoulder Paper Cup London Rain Not
Only Human Doubled Up Truth And Bone I'm The Girl Heal Make You Mine Sugar
I'm On Fire