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Short stories

Did you ever plan to write a story and to see wether it is possible to publish it? Than don't look any further because I have found a nice site where you can submit your own story.

Just visit to see what I mean.

On this site you can also read stories from other authors and you can send your contribution by email as a text file or as a ms-word document. There is a wide collection to choose from.

The site receives about half a million unique page views per month, so successful submissions are likely to be viewed by more readers than in almost any other short story publication. In addition, the site receives attention from agents, the press, film makers, schools, universities and other publishers. Note that their editorial standards are high and that they do not publish all the submissions they receive. If necessary, editors work with authors of successful submissions prior to placing the story on the short-stories site.

Accepted authors will receive a page on the site where readers can access all the authors’ stories as well as biographical or event information, story background and links. Any comments posted to the site relating to the authors submission will be made available to the authors’ self by email.

There is a "Short Stories Uncut section" for those who would like some opinions on early drafts of stories or for fewer experienced authors who feel they are not quite ready to submit their stories to the site but would still like some feedback on their writing.

Stories can be sent by email to

Click here to visit the site