================= Written by Cynthia Fridsma =================
Sometimes you will find nice things on the net when you're searching for 'new or old' articles and Moonkara's site was one of them. Some say that they don't like the layout (something that I read on another HN fan site,) makes me wonder why anyone would say, and I quote: Satan herself runs this crappy site with stupid graphics. (http://www.heathernovalive.com/links.htm)
I disagree with such remarks and that's why I decided to take a look at Moonkara's site "Blue Black". I like the site because it's done by a young lady and I like the heather nova articles on her site as well.
It is not ferry polite from the webmaster(s) of heahternovalive.com to say such things about other homepages. Feel free to visit Moonkara's homepage and sign her guest book and say something nice to Moonkara!